Summary: Work takes … work! Ministry is hard. Reach out to a fellow laborer and remind yourselves that you are in this together.
1 Corinthians 3:9 reads “For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.”
We are in ministry. Therefore, we are workers for this Kingdom. We are not merely spectators. We have stepped into the call. This is our vocation, but this is also our volition. This is our work and we are in willful agreement. We GET to do this. We are workers in God’s field and we are working for a great harvest. We are HIS workers.
But don’t be fooled. Work takes…well…work! Ministry is hard. Sometimes we feel worn and isolated. We can feel alone and confused. You, however, are not alone as a ministry laborer. You are a part of a great heritage of men and women who have pushed, pulled and plowed for the Lord. We are in this together.
I wouldn’t want to do it alone and I wouldn’t want you to think that you are doing it alone. We are FELLOW workers. We are a part of a secret and sacred club of those who know both the joys and toils of serving the Kingdom. We are here to build into the lives of others and yet isolation tells us we are laboring alone. Can you reach out to a fellow laborer today and remind yourselves that you are in this together?