Summary: Ministry is a series of opportunities. Approaching today’s tasks “as unto the King” will determine future opportunity.
Luke 16:10 tells us “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much.”
Ministry is a series of opportunities. Everyday we have Kingdom tasks before us. How we approach today’s tasks is a telltale indicator for whether you should be trusted tomorrow.
Here’s an inescapable truth: If today you apply excellence in seemingly insignificant tasks, you will likely apply excellence in clearly significant tasks. If you work with a slack hand today, chances are, you will work with a slack hand tomorrow. This verse is not a means of “how to climb the ministry ladder” with your human bosses. God is the one who sees and provides greater Kingdom opportunities. God quietly observes your faithful or haphazard execution. It is the Lord who recognizes your secret motivation, your love for people and your love for the Kingdom.
Your approach today will determine future opportunity. Polish today’s tiny tasks and see what your tomorrow brings. Which of today’s duties demands your special attention? Which task today could be approached “as unto the King?”