Summary: We think of Moses as this iconic patriarch of the Old Testament and often forget that he was a person with a family and limitations. His story can be an example to us. The wisdom of his father-in-law in ministry delegation not only multiplied the kingdom of God, but saved his family.
I want to share a story. Many of you may know this story. However, I want to take a more personal and intimate look at this all too familiar story. This is a story of a leader. This leader had been handed a massive mantle of leadership. This leader was Moses. We think of Moses as this iconic patriarch of the Old Testament and often forget that he was a person with a family and limitations. We quickly overlook the intimate and personal details of a regular man with a wife and two kids.
While in the deserts of Midian, Moses meets Zipporah. With the blessing of her father, Jethro, Moses and Zipporah marry and have two kids. Then, their world turns upside down. Moses is called into leadership. Moses led an interesting life. Though raised in the courts of Pharaoh and banished to the deserts of Midian, Moses now finds himself in charge of a huge group of people.
However, do you realize that the load of ministry in Moses’s life began to deteriorate his family life? Do you realize that Ziporah and the kids LEFT MOSES and went back to her father Jethro? Has ministry taken a toll on your life and family? It did mine. And yet, Jethro, the man of wisdom set forth a plan of ministry delegation that not only saved Moses’s marriage, it multiplied the kingdom of God.
Don’t seek to put in more hours. Seek to develop more leaders.