Summary: I want you to see the grand end of all our labor as leaders of volunteers is to see ministry multiplied. You may not have any formal training for ministry. That is OK. Join the club. But our greatest goal is to build into a few and see ministry multiplied.
Do you know the story of the duck born into the eagles nest? Just by virtue of being raised at a young age by a parent eagle, the duck just assumes the posture of an eagle. That duck knows no different.
For me, I had been plopped into the deep end of the swimming pool. I was way over my head. I had no formal ministry training. I was a high school chemistry teacher for Pete’s sake! I was that duck, outside of my league. However, my mentor was an eagle. He showed me the ropes of how to soar and how to be as regal as an eagle. I must say, I simply knew no different. I literally thought each and every pastor was working tirelessly to multiply themselves in ministry. I mean, it was found in scripture, right?
Interestingly enough, I thought the concept of multiplying oneself in ministry was standard issue in every pastor. Not the case. I want you to see the grand end of all our labor as leaders of volunteers is to see ministry multiplied. You may be just like me. You may not have any formal training for ministry. That is OK. Join the club. But our greatest goal is to build into a few and see ministry multiplied.
You need a team. Your need to find one area this week and seek to invite someone to learn THAT ONE aspect of the ministry. Show THEM the ropes and let them try it. You will be glad you did.