Summary: Your ministry story likely has an odd and serpentine path that finds you where you are today. You are not alone. Others have gone before you. Can I challenge you to reflect back on your life and try to see how God has written some distinct chapters of your one and only life?
How did you find yourself in ministry? Each of us have a unique and different story, right? We often have this zig-zag storyline that leads us all to today. Your life might follow a similar pattern. My story sure does. The chapters of my story would read like this:
Chapter 1 - “Rebellious Teen with a Tumultuous Past”. Chapter 2 - ”An Encounter with Jesus Changes Everything”. Chapter 3 - “Dreams of Ministry - Detoured”. Chapter 4 - “The Wilderness of Chemistry Teaching”. Chapter 5 - “Called to the Deep End of the Ministry Pool...But Can He Swim?”
How did you find yourself in the role you are now holding? I doubt you were on the path toward leading volunteers at the ripe age of 5 years old. Your journey is probably similar to my story and most other’s story. I imagine your story has an odd and serpentine path that finds you where you are today. And sadly, the harder parts of your story might mirror the harder parts of my story as well.
You are not alone. Others have gone before you. Can I challenge you to reflect back on your life and try to see how God has written some distinct chapters of your one and only life? Today, I want you to seek to live a life that would be worthy of a book or screenplay or even a movie.
Call someone, right now, and pray with them. Call someone and ask them how THEY are doing today. Write a line or a paragraph in the story of your life today and make it a good one.