Summary: Find others with raw and unrefined abilities and work tirelessly to hone THEIR gifts so they can the best they can be, maybe even better than you. Build others to be better than you.
Some people are afraid to multiply themselves in ministry. Some people are afraid and sabotage the whole system by thinking, “What if they outshine me? What if they become better than me?”
Honestly, I hope they DO outshine you! I hope you discover a diamond in the rough. I hope you care for that hidden treasure, polish it and set that stone in the best possible place for all to benefit.
Bad leaders seek to sabotage the opportunities of others so they can be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral. Some people just gotta be the center of it all. Selfish and small leaders are threatened by the building of other gifted leaders. It would be like the quarterback not throwing the ball to the best receiver for fear they might get better press. Yet in doing so, shortcuts the possibility of every team member getting a Super Bowl ring.
Find others with raw and unrefined abilities and work tirelessly to hone THEIR gifts so they can the best they can be, maybe even better than you. Build others to be better than you.
Multiplying ministry seeks to bring out the best in others. People in your orbit should be so happy YOU are in their life. They should be so happy that you are SO generous with providing opportunities for growth. Can you celebrate the victories and growth of another? Always remember, this is the kingdom. This is not your kingdom.