Summary: Exceptional leaders have a super power. This super power allows them to see things that other people do not see. Truly exceptional leaders can see things in people that those very people do not even know exist in themselves.

Today, I want to introduce you to 4 letters. That’s right. Just 4 simple letters that could transform your ability to both SEE and INVITE people. Here are the 4 letters: The Letter “I,” the letter “C,” the letter “N,” and finally the letter “U.”

Now, you might think that these four letters will act as an acronym. You might think that each letter stands for something. Actually in this case, I am only using the individual letters and their phonetic sounds as you pronounce them. If I simply say these four letters, it sounds like I have said a phrase. Listen to the letters as I say them - ICNU. It almost sounds like I am speaking the phrase, “I see something in you,” or “I see in you”.

First, let’s talk about the power of observation. As your eyes look around your ministry, you might see something special in someone. You might see leadership potential. You might see a hidden acumen for teaching or administration. The first two letters, “I” and “C” are my first challenge for you as a leader. Can you push yourself to start observing others around you?

There is, however, great power when we string all 4 letters together and use them as an invitation. Exceptional leaders have a super power. This super power allows them to see things that other people do not see. Yet it needs to go deeper. Truly exceptional leaders can see things in people that those very people do not even know exist in themselves.

After you have observed someone and you have stood up on those first two letters, “I” and “C”, you can approach someone and move from observation to invitation. You can let them know that you have observed something special in them. You now push all four letters together and say “I see in you…” This can and should lead to an invitation to put those observed abilities into action. Start this week to incorporate these 4 simple letters into your leadership acumen. ICNU.