Summary: You are where you are for a reason. Will you accept this assignment? You have a platform already. Consider faithfully standing on it and proclaiming to those around you the good things God has done for you.
Today, I want to talk about contentment. We all have a current station in life. We all have a current placement. Are you content with where God has you right now? Are you faithfully serving where God has placed you, or are you wishing and even pining for a bigger platform?
Do you need to take a moment and accept the place and space God has placed and planted you. Paul said this, “He is not served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breathe and all things; and He made from one, every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God.”
You are where you are for a reason. Will you accept this assignment? Interestingly enough, you are not there by accident. Your station and placement is, in my opinion, not only important, but divine. What if you were faithful at being you?
So many times, I fall prey to wanting to live the calling of another. Have you ever felt that? If you have, you are not alone. I might go so far as to call it, “Coveting the Calling of Another”. What if you focused on your calling? What if you became content with you being you? It could change the world. Rather than looking off in the distance, focusing on something off in the distance, what if you considered what was directly in your path today.
I met a man who was a war vet. He has a story. After years of drinking, he was seeking sobriety. He wanted to change the world. I appreciated his heart and passion. Yet, he was unwilling to talk to local veterans about their struggles, stating, “Josh, I want to speak to thousands.” I am not positive, but I think crafting our message to thousands starts with figuring out how to say it to the one or two people in front of us today.
Who is in your life, right now, that you need to more strategically invest your time and energy? You have a platform already. Consider faithfully standing on it and proclaiming to those around you the good things God has done for you.