Summary: When we experience organizational soreness, it just indicates where we are a little weak and unprepared. Think about organizational soreness as your friend. View problems as indicators where you need to strengthen your organizational muscles.
Have you ever done a random task and a day later your muscles are sore in the weirdest of places? You may be helping someone with a physical task. When you do certain physical tasks, you discover these weird muscle groups that have clearly NOT been used in a long while. Outside forces showcase our atrified organizational muscles.
When we experience organizational soreness, it just indicates where we are a little weak and unprepared. If you are experiencing a problem INSIDE your ministry, it is because you do not have a system or structure in place to deal with it. Where aren’t we prepared? What don’t we have ready? Who is not in place? These and other questions arise and reveal weak spots in our ministries.
This is what happened with the first century church. I encourage you to stop and re-read Acts 6. The apostles quickly realized they were not prepared to deal with widows in a healthy way. The inequity of care PROVED they had a missing link in their ability to properly administer God’s help. The unmet needs of the widows helped show WHERE a structural problem existed.
Not to beat a dead horse, but I want to get practical. Let’s take a nursery check-in situation. You realize that the current way of doing check-in is cumbersome and is causing major frustration for young families. Parents are getting anxious and getting angry. Their MAJOR FRUSTRATION is not the problem. That is the indicator that our process has a problem.
I want you to start thinking about organizational soreness as your friend. I want you to view problems as indicators where you need to strengthen your organizational muscles.