Summary: Ministry is a lifestyle more than it is a job. And this ministry lifestyle must assure the longest view. Ministry Multiplication takes time. So many of us just want a simple-strategy or the latest methodology. This is not a new-fandangled ministry approach. Not at all. The long term investment is THE way.
I want to share with you an important reminder. Just as Peter shared in his second letter: “I do not write these things to you because you do not know them. I write these things to you because you do know them and I want to stir you up by way of reminder.”
Ministry is a lifestyle more than it is a job. And this ministry lifestyle must assure the longest view. Ministry is not a “Your way right away” type of job. Ministry is a SLOW COOKER in a Microwave culture. Ministry multiplication TAKES TIME. This is not a 7-minute conversation with someone. This is not a “7-Steps in 7-Days Power-Course” thing. This is not even a “7-week intensive” thing. This is more of a 70-week, life-on-life thing. In all actuality, when it really works, this is a 7-year thing.
SO many of us just want a simple-strategy or the latest methodology. This is not a new-fandangled ministry approach. Not at all. The long term investment is THE way. It may not be glamorous. It may be done in relative obscurity. Yet, there is no replacement. There is no fast-track or short-cut. Multiplication looks at the end game and chooses to slowly plod upon that sacred path. This is a Biblical approach that is seen in the Old and the New Testament. We see this in the Law and in the Prophets. We see it in the Gospels. We see it in the Early Church and in the Apostles. This is not new. This is the way.
My challenge to you is simple. My challenge to you is one I have shared with you before: Multiply yourself in ministry.