Summary: Stop shrinking to fit into a place that you’ve outgrown. I want you to find your passions and allow God to exploit your passions for the kingdom. Maybe you're ready for a new challenge.
I want you to find your passion. I want you to lean into being fully you, the unique masterpiece that God created you to be. Sometimes, however, we start shrinking to fit places that you've clearly outgrown. This is super, super important for me to remember. I am an ever-growing person and where I was fitting yesterday, might not be where I fit today. There have been seasons in all of our lives when we have felt boxed in. Like there was a ceiling. There sometimes feel like we have cinder blocks that were touching our shoulders, preventing growth and we were getting cramped.
I want you to find your passions and allow God to exploit your passions for the kingdom. What is your dream? Now I have tons of dreams and I'm pursuing some of those. And I don't want to shrink myself and to say, “No, this is my narrow lane in traffic. Just stay in the Prius, even if you have Tesla dreams.” I want a Tesla-type dream. Now, please understand I don't care about a Tesla, as in owning that type of car. I am talking about potential. It is about dreaming bigger than what I am currently experiencing. I want you to pause right now and dream.
I want you and I to blow past what other people would see as normal. I want you to dream big. What's your dream? Stop shrinking to try to fit into a place that you've outgrown. Maybe you're ready for a new challenge.