Summary: Leadership is less about positional authority. Leadership is more about influencing the direction of things to come. A boss has the title, but a leader has the people.
A boss has the title, but a leader has the people. I couldn't agree more. Leadership is influence. Leadership is less about positional authority. Leadership is more about influencing the direction of things to come. I didn't always have the title and yet I don't think that it matters. I don't think titles really do us any favors.
I think having a strong heart and great work ethic beats a title every day. I think being relationally savvy, so much so, that people cannot wait to follow you, beats a title every day. A boss may have the title. But if somebody thinks they're leading and yet nobody is following, they're just taking a walk.
If you're, if you think you're leading and nobody's following, you're just taking a stroll by yourself up a hill. Let’s contrast this with a person that people follow. What is a leader? It is a person that wherever they go, people are just hungry to go that direction. You see, a boss has a title. Yet the authority of a title doesn't really do too much.
A title can get you an initial start in a new organization. It can get you a little distance. But a leader is somebody who has the hearts of the people. Think about it. Do you just have a title, or do you have the people? You don't have to have the title in order to make a supreme difference in the life of your church and in the life of your volunteers. You don't have to have a title. You have to have the hearts of your people.