Summary: Trying new things comes at a cost. The reason it comes at a cost is that we don’t typically start anything as an instant expert. Be brave enough to suck at something for a while. In time you will get better.
Are you willing to suck at something new? Are you willing to try something and suck at it for a while? I find this to be quite hard. I don't like the feeling of being all thumbs and when I start something new. It's very painful. But I've come to conclude that I'm going to be brave enough to risk sucking for the short term. I'm going to push through my feelings of insecurity and my feelings of being 10 thumbs. I need to overcome the fear that this just might NOT work out.
I'm going to be brave enough to suck at it for a little while. I want to cut new ground. I want to do new things. But trying new things comes at a cost. The reason it comes at a cost is that we don’t typically start anything as an instant expert. I might have some natural proclivities or natural giftings in an area. But anything truly new is typically hard going at first. New territory doesn't feel comfortable. Are you cool with not feeling comfortable? Are you cool with sucking at something so as to get better?
Honestly, this is a new concept for me. I am just embracing it. I am embracing that the startup cost of anything new is – that I will likely suck at it for a while! I want you to embrace it as well.
I do not have to be perfect as I start something new. And, truth be told, being good right out of the shoot is essentially impossible. Hear me loud and clear: You don't have to be perfect right out of the gate. Be willing to suck at something. Be brave enough to suck at something for a while. In time you will get better.