Summary: Asking someone to serve does come with a measure of wisdom, discernment and honor. But, do not prematurely sabotage your mission as a leader by saying “no” for someone.
One of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in Children’s ministry is assuming someone will say “NO” to an opportunity to participate as a volunteer. We often prematurely sabotage our own mission as leaders by saying no for someone. We think they are likely too busy. And so, we say “NO” for them. We don’t even ask. Never say no for someone. Ever.
I learned a great lesson through recruiting 1000’s of people. You just don’t know unless you ask. You may think, “They are serving in the Women's Ministry and are so busy there! Why bother.” Are you all-knowing? Do you know what is happening in everyone's life and can you peer into their soul? The answer is no.
Since you are not all-knowing, you literally have no idea what God might be doing in their lives. What you are getting ready to ask them might be exactly where God has been quietly moving in their heart for weeks and weeks. You may be the one to bring it all into focus. Your invitation to serve might be the exact thing they need to make a transition from the deacon board into a teaching role. You just do not know what God is doing. James tells us that you “receive NOT because you ask not”. May that not be true of us.
Granted, asking someone to serve does come with a measure of wisdom, discernment and honor. Honor and discernment should dictate my moves. And yet, I want to stress with you one important lesson. Do not say no for someone.