Summary: Your objective is not to say to your senior pastor, "all of our spots are filled." We have a higher calling. I would rather be short staffed than poorly staffed. You may think that you are just trying to fill a slot. However, you can actually do more damage to the mission by staffing poorly, than if you never enlisted them in the first place.
Proverbs 26:10 says, “Like an archer who wounds everyone is one who hires a passing fool or drunkard.” Not everyone is qualified to serve. I would rather be short staffed than poorly staffed. No one would ever grab a stranger off the street and say, “Hey, Have you ever run heavy machinery? Oh, you've never operated a backhoe? No problem jumping the seat, figure it out as you go. Please dig a hole right by my house and don’t mess it up. Thanks!” Only a fool would do that.
Just as the proverb says, only a fool would grab someone off the street and hand in the bow and arrow and enlist them into the specialized area of warfare. You may think that you are just trying to fill a slot. However, you can actually do more damage to the mission then if you never enlisted them in the first place.
Notice that the one who causes damage, is the one who hires the person who has no idea what they're doing. The admonition is not to the archer, but to the idiot who hired an unqualified person to wield the bow and arrow. Should we expect perfection? Absolutely not. That doesn't exist.
However, certain people should not take apart my car engine. Certain people are not qualified to start up a chainsaw. Certain people are unqualified to sit in the cab of an 18 wheeler and back it up 15 yards. Certain people are not qualified to sit down with the group of preschoolers and tell them a story from the Bible. Is this harsh? Nope, it's wise. Your objective is not to say to your senior pastor, "all of our spots are filled." We have a higher calling.
The harvest is plentiful, and the workers are few. We will certainly never feel like we have enough. But just like Gideon, God comes through for us and does the work of 3,000 through 300. May we trust him. Don't just allow anyone to hold the archer's bow. Be intelligent, be shrewd, exercise due diligence, pray your heart out, and trust the Lord.