Summary: Through a youth ministry program, I created a service opportunity that made deposits in the good will bucket of our community by meeting a real need. Can I challenge you to consider creative ways for those under your care to be given the reigns of ministry and seek to make a difference? It truly matters.
Years ago, I created a program for 5th and 6th grade students called, “Route 56”. This service-based ministry was seeking to teach the doctrine of the Body of Christ, yet also provide ways for students to BECOME a part of the Body of Christ through serving. One of the many service opportunities was called, “The Big Enchilada”.
We pre-bought all of the ingredients to mass-produce chicken enchiladas and built 100’s of tin dishes in an assembly-line fashion. We would crank up the music, put on the gloves and make a wonderful Mexican dish complete with instructions, ready to be baked.
These dishes would be brought to homeless shelters in our community. We videotaped the delivery and warm reception we received from the workers at the facility. We were making deposits in the Good Will bucket of our community by meeting a real need. 5th and 6th graders were making a difference outside the church.
Can I challenge you to think outside the box? Can I challenge you to consider creative ways for those under your care to be given the reigns of ministry and seek to make a difference? It truly matters.