Summary: Leadership is not a matter of position. Leadership is not a matter of hierarchy on the org chart. Leadership is, however, a matter of influence. Leadership is about the one who “guides the group.”
Leadership is likely the most talked about subject within church ministry right now. If someone were to do a basic internet search, you would find hundreds of thousands of topics on how to lead at the top levels. There are teachings and trainings in the areas of administration, strategic planning, vision casting, team building and more. There is no shortage of content for leaders.
I want to start by defining the term “Leadership.” The author and speaker, John Maxwell defines leadership as “Influence.” defines “Leadership” as “One who guides a group.”
As far as I am concerned, leadership is not a matter of position. Leadership is less about proxy. Leadership is not a matter of hierarchy on the org chart. Leadership is, however, a matter of influence. Leadership is about the one who “guides the group”.
Can you lead if you are not positioned at the top? Can you influence or steer the ship and not be the captain? Can you “guide the group” and yet not be the boss? The answer is a resounding yes. There is a critical leadership component that we must get right in church ministry and life. And yet, if we miss it much of our influence is rendered useless.
Hear me when I say this: Your competence may get you into the room, but your character keeps you in the room. You can, dear friend, help guide the group even if you are not the boss. Lead with character and conviction today.