Summary: You operate within the whole. It is foolish to only consider your own area and how your thing operates. What you do affects the rest. All changes have a system-wide domino effect.
Ministry is interrelated. There is a cause/effect relationship within every organization. If you move this lever, three trap doors open up. You need to be a student of the entire church and the entire process. It is foolish to only consider your own area and how your thing operates. What you need to remember is that you operate within the whole. You are not an island. What you do affects the rest. What they do affects you!
You can’t think exclusively about your own needs. No ministry operates in isolation. All changes have a system-wide domino effect. Here is the key to success: You must train your mind to think systemically. If you only consider your own area and your own isolated needs, you will be far less effective as you grow as a ministry practitioner.
Senior leaders prize employees who think globally and systemically. Why do senior leaders prize such employees? It is simple, actually. You see, senior leaders HAVE TO THINK system-wide at all times. Senior leaders are strapped with making sure all the pieces fit together. THAT IS EXHAUSTING. It is a joy to your boss when they realize that they are not the only one who is thinking about the big picture. So how do you do this? Senior leaders prize global thinkers because they do not want to be the only one thinking about the whole.