Summary: When we are upset, confused and feel disheveled, we should not be dictated and dominated by our feelings. I do not want to be unnecessarily burdened and confused by the fickle nature of my emotions. Emotionally strong leaders seek to understand what is happening so they can move forward in a healthy way.
When we are upset, confused and feel disheveled, we should not be dictated and dominated by our feelings. I do not want to be unnecessarily burdened and confused by the fickle nature of my emotions.
It could be my Physical Considerations: If there is something not right physically, it influences how I feel and perceive life. Am I tired from lack of rest? Am I experiencing physical pain? Am I hungry? Am I tired from stress?
It could be circumstances OUTSIDE my control. In life, there are items in my control and outside of my control. An example might be awaiting an interview. There is nothing you can reasonably do to make a prospective job provide the second interview faster.
It could be circumstances WITHIN my control: There are things I can proactively do. Stress often comes not from what you are doing, but from what you think you should be doing. Stress might come from NOT having an updated resume and NOT submitting applications. Guess what? I can DO SOMETHING about these!
However, it could be unconfessed sin. David said, "When I hid my sin, my bones wasted away." Negative mental manifestations and physical maladies are associated with UN-confessed sin. Why? It tears us up. Confess it to God. Clear it up now.
Finally, it could be a relationship issue that needs repaired or addressed: Broken relationships add strain and stress to our lives. Can you take reasonable actions to set up a time with this person? Relationships are messy and take a toll on our emotions. When we are upset, confused and feel disheveled, there are typically reasons why. Emotionally strong leaders seek to understand what is happening so they can move forward in a healthy way.