Summary: Do you want to be first? Be last. Do you want to be rich? Give away. Do you want to live? Die. Do you want to be exalted? Choose humility. This is the Upside-Down-Kingdom.
Matthew 23:11 reads “The greatest among you will be your servant.” True greatness is helping others toward greatness.
When Jesus said, “The greatest among you will be your servant,” He was ushering in the Upside-Down-Kingdom. Do you want to be first? Be last. Do you want to be rich? Give away. Do you want to live? Die. Do you want to be exalted? Choose humility. This is the Upside-Down-Kingdom.
People who work according to the rules of the “kingdom of this world” will step on others so they can be great. In contrast, believers who operate according to the rules of the Upside-Down Kingdom allow their lives to be stepping-stones for the lowly to climb Toward greatness. The “kingdom of this world” exalts self: speed, beauty and power.
The Upside-Down Kingdom exalts others: the slow, the awkward and the powerless. Residents in the “kingdom of this world” fear becoming a doormat and do not want anyone to tread on them. Residents in the Upside-Down Kingdom allow others to stand on their shoulders and rise. Which of these kingdoms will you reside in today? Who can you elevate today?