Summary: Doing ministry according to the Upside Down is hard. Serving will cost us. It certainly cost Jesus His very life. Take a moment and examine what advantages you can provide to another through your limited position and authority.
Mark 10:45 says “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Jesus is the King of this “Upside-Down Kingdom”. Jesus held a high position. Though He was worshiped by angels from all eternity past, He took on human flesh and washed the feet of sinful humans. “Wait. You mean, the King of the Universe, washed feet? That sounds backwards.”
This is the way of the Upside Down. He is our example. The highest king took up the lowest towel. Any elevated position you hold in the Upside-Down Kingdom of God is given so you can make life better and easier for someone else. Do you see your position as an opportunity to help someone have a richer life experience? Or do you see your position as a justification for others to provide for your ease?
Doing ministry according to the Upside Down is hard. Serving will cost us. It certainly cost Jesus His very life. Take a moment and examine what advantages you can provide to another through your limited position and authority. You were granted your position and post to support those under you, not the reverse. How can you make life better for another today?