Summary: God has warned us about our tendency to love only those who are easy to love. Yet, the kingdom of God is for those who have nothing to give.
In James 2:1-2 we read “My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, do not treat them differently.”
Some people are easy to love. We might call them VEPs (Very Encouraging People). As a leader, it’s great when you are surrounded by VGPs (Very Gifted People) who can move our ministries forward. Somehow, our humanity is drawn to the VRPs (Very Rich People).
However, the Kingdom of God is for everyone, not just the pretty people. The Kingdom is not only for the “Spiritual Navy Seals,” “Discipleship Green Berets,” and “Special Forces of the Faith.” God warned us about our tendency to love ONLY the easy, the gifted or those from whom we can enlist.
The Kingdom of God is for those who have nothing to give. The Kingdom has a special place for those who have nothing, from our perspective, to contribute. Thank you for loving all who cross your path today; not just the easy people, the rich people and the gifted people. This is an Everybody Kingdom. Who needs attention from you today, despite what you think they could do for you? Call them. Reach out today.