Summary: One of our jobs in ministry is to bear the burdens of others.
Galatians 6:2 tell us “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Bearing burdens is a high calling. Every vocation has a unique set of “job hazards.” Every career has associated risks. Doctors are exposed to disease, truckers are subject to dumb-drivers and lumberjacks run the risk of falling trees.
Ministry has a unique set of job hazards. Ministry is a people business. Everyone around you is carrying a secret and sacred burden. As shield bearers for the Kingdom, one of our jobs is to notice heavy-laden sheep and shoulder some of the load. Sheep, however, hide their lacerations from the flock. Our job is to know the flock and perceive even the smallest limp. As shepherds, our role is to bind the broken-hearted, comfort the weary and, yes, even take upon ourselves the load of another.
Isn’t this what Jesus did? “He who knew no sin, became sin for us…” This is one of the many job hazards associated with ministry. Why? Bearing the burden of another is hard but it is good, fitting and right. Are you willing to dig beneath the surface? Are you willing to ask for your eyes to see invisible burdens? Will you enter into the hardship of another? Help someone today. Reach deeper. Support boldly. Bear a burden.