Summary: Regardless of the task before you today, approach all that you do from the home base of love.
1 Corinthians 16:14 says “Let all that you do be done in love.”
There is work to be done. We have tasks today, big and small, which are mission critical. Ministry is not all thought and feeling. Far be it. Ministry is not sitting and reading the Bible for eight hours a day. Those on the front lines of ministry know this is an active, not passive endeavor.
Most missions have a home base. In battle, a home base is the safe place from where we start. Home base is where we fall back. Home base is where we collect our thoughts, recalibrate our tools and remember our why. The home base from which our tasks are derived is love. Our home base is neither achievement nor activity-for-activity-sake. Our ambition is not building an “earthly-ministry-business plan.” It all starts with love.
As your hand hits the plow today, center yourself in Kingdom-love. Today, you may oil the gears of ministry; do it from love. You might do 14 never-to-be seen tasks; do it from love. You may find yourself doing a Kingdom task that seems more Kingdom-mundane that Kingdom-critical. Approach all that your hand touches from a home base of love.