Summary: Leadership in ministry is truly a long game. Let’s not seek to think of ourselves more highly than we ought and unintentionally grab at the mantle of leadership before our time. Trust in His sovereignty.
Leadership in ministry is truly a long game. It takes years of faithfulness and perseverance before we begin to see the grander fruitfulness we dream of. Sometimes you may feel like your dreams of leading at higher levels of leadership are so far off. You might say, ‘But Josh, I am growing so tired of waiting for MY TURN to lead.” I understand. I believe it is deep within us all to want to contribute at ever increasing levels of significance.
Let’s look at Elisha. Elisha found it an honor to follow Elijah. Elisha was second for a really long time. He would not step into his leadership role until Elijah had completed all God had for him to do. This took years. Some scholars believe it was 25 years or more before Elisha received his double portion and was now positioned to lead. God had things to do through Elijah. Elisha’s turn to lead was coming. Elisha remained second. May I suggest that if your rise to leadership brings dishonor to another leader, it is likely premature.
Think of all the things Elisha saw as he was second. Think of all the lessons and all the things he was able to glean. I want to be a leadership sponge and soak all that I can. I want to pick up and learn as much as I can from those above me and around me.
I had a wise national leader say to me that his most significant ministry was not realized until he was in his mid-50’s. This gave me great hope. Ministry is a long haul. Let’s not seek to think of ourselves more highly than we ought and unintentionally grab at the mantle of leadership before our time. Trust in His sovereignty.