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Prayer (5 Minutes):

  1. A Clear Pathway for Duplication
  2. A Vision for Empowerment and Release
  3. An Attention and Eye for Detail and Discipleship

Personal (10 Minutes):

  1. How did it go? The “Personal Eulogy” + “What People Will Say” exercise
  2. “Green Light Tasks” energize you and you have MORE energy after doing these tasks than before. Think about your job and outside of your job as well. What energizes you? What things or tasks are you drawn toward and do not put off?
  3. “Red Light Tasks” Slow you down and extract energy from you. Again, think about your job and outside of your job as well. What drains you? What tasks always get put off? What tasks are easiest to NOT do?

Prepare (15 Minutes):


  1. Elisha Institutionalized It
  2. The Early Church Leveraged It

Where do we begin?

    1. What area needs the most attention?
    2. What is the area you like the least?
    3. Which area needs a gift set you lack?
    4. Which area is the easiest to hand off?
    5. Which one of your “faithful few” is perfectly equipped in an area?

Plan (25 Minutes):

  1. Answering Your Questions and Discussion of Your Learning.
  2. ASSIGNMENT #1: Pick an area to start the multiplication process and invite someone to join you.
  3. ASSIGNMENT #2: Write a “Personal Letter of Surrender to God”.