This product extends your coaching package to include six additional months of scheduled calls. This option is only available to those who have completed calls 1-6 of the Lead Volunteers Coaching Program. As with calls 1-6, the program extension is designed to be completed in a set order, and the highly customized nature of our calls means it’s important to stay on track. Once you get started, it’s vital that you commit to continuing our private video calls for six more months in a row.



This product extends your coaching package to include six additional months of scheduled calls. This option is only available to those who have completed calls 1-6 of the Lead Volunteers Coaching Program. As with calls 1-6, the program extension is designed to be completed in a set order, and the highly customized nature of our calls means it’s important to stay on track. Once you get started, it’s vital that you commit to continuing our private video calls for six more months in a row.