Summary: God set up the boundaries of your habitation. You are where you are for a reason. Often, I need to remind myself, as the Psalmist said, “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places.”

Paul said, “He is not served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breathe and all things; and He made from one, every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God.”

God set up the boundaries of your habitation. You are where you are for a reason. You are at this church or this ministry outpost for a reason and for this season. Often, I need to remind myself, as the Psalmist said, “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places.” Sometimes, I need to open my eyes and celebrate my station in life.

You are where you are and you have an assignment. Will you accept this assignment? Interestingly enough, you are not there by accident. I feel, so strongly, that part of your assignment is to see yourself and your ministry multiplied into another. What are you doing right now to faithfully pass on the work God has given your hands to do? Who is in your life, right now, that you need to more strategically invest your time and energy? What if you were faithful at being you? What if you stayed behind and focused on your calling? It could change the world.