Summary: When it comes to multiplying YOUR ministry, look for the faithful few. Duplicate yourself with already-developed-leaders who have a winning track record.
The Early Church experienced problems. Growth causes pain. They had strains in the area of administration. Everything was working fine until the volume of people needing served overtook the Apostles’ ability to organizationally manage the process. This was not a heart issue. This was an execution issue. Things were falling through the cracks.
As more people became followers of Jesus, the number of physical needs grew. The need for a better means of administration also grew. The people were multiplying in number, therefore, the ministry must multiply as well. Their answer was not to double down, work harder and make it all happen themselves. They multiplied themselves and created the first deacons, or essentially, an administrative team. The Apostles looked for the current faithful. I call them the faithful few. They looked for those with good reputations, full of wisdom and of the Spirit.
When it comes to multiplying YOUR ministry, look for the faithful few. DO NOT look for an untested and untried individual. The Bible teaches, “He who is faithful in little, will be faithful in much.” Take your current “301-level” leaders and develop them “401-level” leaders. Duplicate yourself with already-developed-leaders who have a winning track record.