Summary: In Jesus’ earthly ministry, He shared this message, “The Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe.” After he chose his 12 disciples, Jesus commanded, “Say to them, “The Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe.” As He sent out the 12, He told them to say the EXACT thing that He had already been sharing. Today, don’t overcomplicate it - do ministry and help others do the same.
Jesus is the most comprehensive and elegant picture of what it means to multiply one’s self in ministry. Jesus had a specific message. His message was powerfully validated through miracles. As He traveled, He shared this message, “The Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe.” This simple message was backed up by signs and wonders, confirming that His message was the truth. He healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind and cast out demons.
Jesus goes to the mountain top and prays all night long to the Lord of the Harvest. Jesus asked God the Father who He should pick to help Him in this field. The very next day, He chooses the original 12 disciples. Jesus selects His “Faithful Few.” Jesus immediately provides them a job description. But what is so interesting is that their job description is the exact thing Jesus Himself had already been doing. Nothing new. Just do what He did and say what He said.
Jesus commanded, “Say to them, “The Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe.” Their simple message was also backed up by signs and wonders, confirming this message was the truth. And just like Jesus, they healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind and cast out demons. As He sent out the 12, He told them to say the EXACT thing that He had already been sharing. He told them to do the EXACT same miracles to validate His EXACT same message. Jesus was making more of Himself. Jesus was multiplying His efforts.
When viewed this way, I don’t see this as overly complicated. I see this as doing ministry and helping others to do the same. Today, don’t over complicate it. What would Jesus do? He would make more of Himself. Go and do the same.