Summary: A doer of ministry is addition. A builder of others is a multiplier. Ministry multiplication is the biggest win.
Ministry multiplication is the biggest win. However, I know the obstacles that stand in the way of multiplying ministry. One of those obstacles might be, your very own self. You might fall prey to the common pitfall of thinking, “It is my job to be the pastor and not others”.
This is an interesting one. I want to examine the assumption in the statement. The statement reads, “It is my job to be the pastor and not others”. This is actually not a true statement. As we have talked about before, the role of a pastor is to build up the body to do the work of the ministry. You - as a pastor - are a trainer, a multiplier and a developer. You - as a pastor - are NOT to be a doer.
Your church will NEVER be able to hire enough staff to meet all the needs of the ministry. The smartest churches and the smartest leaders seek to hire leaders who are builders of others and not just doers themselves. Bottom Line: A doer of ministry is addition. A builder of others is a multiplier.
Do you need to make a mental shift today? Do you need to start viewing yourself as a multiplier and not so much as a doer? Remember, ministry multiplication is the biggest win.