Summary: Overcome day-to-day hardships or discouragements by remembering a bigger purpose.

You are not alone in this volunteer leadership thing.  I have been there.  I have been where you are and Leading Volunteers often feels like a dull ache that you cannot ever shake.

It feels impossible to have every volunteer role filled ministry wide. You want volunteers to have a deeper commitment. You want them to know the blessing of serving. Yet, just like clockwork, late Saturday night and early Sunday morning, dropouts drag you down and wear you out.

Do not give up. I want you to think of the LONG GAME and not what you are experiencing in the day-to-day hardship of leading volunteers.

As Psalm 27 says, “He will life my feet up on a Rock. And not my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me. I will sing – Yes – I will sing praises to the Lord.”

I invite you to join the Lead Volunteers Community. What have you got to lose?

Join me on this journey to make YOU a better leader of volunteers. Let’s do this.  You will always have volunteer problems. But we are here to make them just a little bit easier.

Join today!