Summary: In ministry, we can become weary and heavy laden. We can take on a yoke of burden and hardship. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says “Come to me, if you're weary and burdened and I'll give you rest.”
It is important for us to remember the promises of God. Today, I want you to remember a promise. The promise of Matthew 11:28. It's simple. “Come to me, if you're weary and burdened and I'll give you rest.”
Jesus didn't say, “Come to me and I'm going to give you a lecture. It doesn't say I'm going to give you 14 things that you should have been doing better.” He said, “I'm going to give you rest.”
Sometimes I just don't lean into that promise. We need to remember that promise when we're going too fast and even when we're spiraling downwards. And, and we're all going to be in those moments when we have to, we have to lean on that promise. Ministry comes with a lot, doesn’t it? We can become weary and heavy laden. We can take on a yoke of burden and hardship. Let’s face it. The ministry can become very hard.
However, I don’t think it needs to be as hard as we often make it out to be. Certainly, Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.” He also said, “If they hated me, they will hate you also.” Paul calls to “Share in the sufferings of Christ.” All of these things are true. But there is one other thing that is true: He told us, “Come to Me when you are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest.”
Are you burning out, dear friend? Set it down and remember this important promise.