Summary: Where does our power source come from? I can fall into a trap and think that I need to come up with all the energy to do great things for God and the kingdom. I am not a manufacturer of power. I am a receiver of His power. Colossians 1:29 says, “To this end, I labor struggling with all His energy that so powerfully works in me.”
Today, I want to talk about sources of power. Today, I want to invite you to “Remember your power source”. Where does our power source come from? Well, sometimes, I think that the power needed to do ministry must be self-sourced. I can fall into a trap and think that I need to come up with all the energy to do great things for God and the kingdom.
God often needs to remind me that as a leader my source of power can come from Him or I can try to lead in my own power. I often just work too hard and I think I've got to manufacture all of this power to sustain me in this journey. I am not a manufacturer of power. I am a receiver of His power. Colossians 1:29 says, “To this end, I labor struggling with all His energy that so powerfully works in me.”
There's nothing wrong with working hard. I think we should be accomplishing big things for God. But we need to remember that He's the vine, we're the branch and that apart from him, we can do nothing. We need to remember that our power is not self-sourced. As the prophet Zechariah, “Not by our might, not by our strength but by His Spirit”. That's what the word says.
How about you? As you receive this message today, are you self sourcing your energy or are you looking to God to provide you with His energy?