Summary: Good Works earns us Good Will, which allows a platform for the Good News. The world around us will truly take notice when someone seeks to serve them and make the world a better place. Good Works stand out.
Good Works to our community, leads to Good Will within our community, which leads to an opportunity to share Good News with our community. Good Works earns us Good Will, which allows a platform for the Good News.
When we do Good Works, a hostile society begins to soften. Sure it takes time. But time plus consistency of behavior leads to change. The world around us will truly take notice when someone seeks to serve them and make the world a better place. Good Works stand out.
1st Peter 2:12 says, “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.” Over time, as the church seeks to meet real and tangible needs within our communities, people begin to soften. The icy hearts of a lost and hostile world begin to melt and thaw. Over time, our Good Works begin to earn us Good Will.
The world needs more Good Will Ambassadors. The church needs to adopt a new posture. Instead of a quick verbal response, we need to be slow to speak and quick to serve. We must earn the right to be heard. Slowly, as we continue to selflessly invest, we are earning the trust of a skeptical and watching world. Good Works are hard to deny. Over the long haul, these Good Works will begin to amass a feeling of Good Will. It becomes harder and harder to accuse the church of judgmental wrong-doing as we are viewed as helpers, servants and those quick to meet a need. Good Works to our community, leads to Good Will within our community, which leads to an opportunity to share Good News with our community.
Good Works to our community, leads to Good Will within our community, which leads to an opportunity to share Good News with our community.