Summary: Kids are like wet cement. I want to seize the day while they are pliable, moldable and receptive. The cement frames that are established while they are very young will determine, in great part, how the cement will turnout.

As a homeowner, there’s always something to fix, repair, or update. One of those upgrades on our house was our back patio. We chose to remove a deck with rotted wood and transition to cement instead. Three things I know about concrete: it’s hard, it’s expensive, and it will inevitably crack in the wrong spot!

It was amazing process to watch the cement workers. They took their time to meticulously spread the underlayment. They were detailed. They took the time. For 10,000 bucks, take all the time you want. Just do it right. However, something fundamental changed when the cement truck arrived. Why? The clock is ticking when working with wet cement.

I believe kids are like wet cement. A child’s basic understanding of God, His attributes, and their belief in the Scriptures are established by age 13. One researcher concluded, “It’s fair to say that what someone believes at age 13 will likely be what they will believe when they die.” I want to seize the day while they are pliable, moldable and receptive. The cement frames that I establish while they are very young will determine, in great part, how the cement will turnout.

Can repairs be made to cement that has already hardened? Absolutely. It requires busting up hard cement with some pretty intense tools. That sounds expensive. That sounds painful. Kids are like wet cement. Let’s do our best the first time.