Summary: The life of Joseph, while full of painful trials and set backs, can be an example of growing in leadership through using our gifts and showing faithful character.
Ministry can be hard. You may have dreams and people are standing in the way. Let’s look at Joseph. Joseph had dreams. He had dreams of greatness. He was recognized early on by his father as being ultra-gifted. However, Joseph never saw his dreams come true until he started working to make the dreams of others become a reality. Joseph was a slave and yet rose to be second in command to Potiphar.
Joseph’s gifts made room for him. Then Joseph sat in a prison cell and was raised, once again, to a position of influence in that jail. Those who are faithful in little will be faithful in much. That Egyptian jail seemed like such a waste of talent. And yet Joseph, at just the right time, was elevated to second in command over all Egypt. Joseph was never the boss and yet he was greatly used of God. Joseph’s character qualified him time and time again.
Question: Are your gifts making room for you? Consider stepping up your game. Another Question: Are you showing faithfulness in small things? Consider shoring up your efforts, even in the little things. Question: Do you have an impeccable character and a sense of integrity that makes you stand out and even stand strong?
You may have dreams and people are standing in the way. So did Joseph. Be like Joseph.