Summary: Do the hard work of creating a healthy ministry culture for future success in volunteer recruitment.
Today I’m going to provide for you a two-step plan to get as many volunteers as you want through one simple email. Let’s start with step two. Step Two: send an email asking for volunteers. That one email will result in as many volunteers as you need. That is Step Two. Now let’s step back and talk about Step One.
Step One: spend three and a half years pouring into people, caring for leaders, thanking people in a way that matters to them and so much more. Then you can easily send the step two email and have as many volunteers as you need.
So many leaders want step two but don’t realize that doing step one positions them to effectively send out one email and have people come to their aid. Building a sustainable volunteer system takes years to build. But the fruit that can come from that tree is very, very powerful.
LEADVOLUNTEERS.com is the most comprehensive, step-by-step plan to build a sustainable volunteer system. Lead Volunteers will allow you to get organized, retain volunteers and prevent ministry burnout. If you want this two step plan, I can help you create the culture that insures step one is in place so that you can send a simple email and gather all the volunteers that you need.
Join LEADVOLUNTEERS.com today!