Summary: We can help brothers and sisters see the goodness of the Lord through service.
There is nothing better – I mean NOTHING – than having a culture of volunteers who understand the part they play in the church. Truly, when people begin to see that it is within THEIR best interests to serve, everything changes. Once volunteers catch the vision that serving is a critical part of THEIR personal growth – you hit a new level.
I can honestly tell you. I became a Christian at age 21. I was so on fire for the things of the Lord. I was reading and deeply studying my Bible. I was sitting on the edge of my seat listening to sermons and was being mentored. I loved the feeling of growing in the Lord. Then something blew the doors off my wildest expectations for connection with God and with others. I started serving. I saw very quickly that the depth that I could go with the Lord through serving and partnering with the Holy Spirit was a whole new level.
Listen. If you are in full-time vocational ministry, I guarantee you have tasted and seen that the Lord is good through serving. This is where we want to get everyone to be. I wanted more of the Lord - so I served as a means of growth and connection with Him.
Join me in this journey. Join the Lead Volunteers learning community and let’s get after it. There is so much more for us and our volunteers to experience. We have just made it easier for people like you.