Summary: You need a community of those who are experiencing the same things, striving toward the same goals, and even learning the same valuable lessons.
So you signed up to learn more about Lead Volunteers. Cool. You checked out the free stuff we offered. You are intrigued with the thought of practical and “Done For You” resources. But that is not all.
You need a community. You need to surround yourself with those who are experiencing the same things, striving toward the same goals and even learning the same valuable lessons you are learning. You want communication from friends to remind you to keep going. Sometimes we all just need a good and friendly kick in the pants. You need a friend in your corner. You not only need a reminder of why we do this, BUT you also a reminder of HOW to do this.
That is this video. I am reminding you that YOU WANT to have your life as a leader be easier. One way I can help you is to BOLDLY tell you to join the Lead Volunteers learning community today. I know it is an investment. It is not only a financial investment. It WILL BE an investment of your time. It WILL be worth it. Join me. Join me and join the Lead Volunteers Learning Community.