Summary: Job descriptions don’t often get done because of other pressing ministry needs. Lead Volunteers provides dozens of written job descriptions so you can help your volunteers know what is expected of them.
I worked at a church for over 10 years. The church had been in existence for over 25 years. However, one important thing had never been accomplished. Job Descriptions.
Some groups had a random volunteer job description here and there but NOTHING uniform and nothing that touched every area. Listen, it is harder than it looks. Legit job descriptions take thought and intentionality. Here is one reason why this important task never got completed: EVERYTHING ELSE HAD TO BE DONE. So often the urgent overtakes the important.
If you were a member of the Lead Volunteers community, you would have access to dozens and dozens of ministry job descriptions for every area in the church. Children’s ministry job descriptions – done for you. Women’s ministry job descriptions – done for you. Junior High and High School ministry job descriptions – done for you. We have provided you with Usher, Greeter, Parking Lot Attendant Job Descriptions and more.
Beyond this, since this is a 100% digital resource, this listing will continue to grow. I will be emailing members when we add more. How cool that you could receive special notifications when we produce more value and content for you as a member. These job descriptions are ready to use or modify immediately. Why start from scratch when you can allow us to jump-start the creation of actionable job descriptions NOW?
Since this has been built for you, let’s get busy making your VOLUNTEERS understand what you expect of them. Join the Lead Volunteers Learning Community today. Let’s keep rolling with this resource. Let’s get this thing into your hands.