Summary: As you complete the Lead Volunteers course material, you will finally feel like you are operating your ministry in-line with how the scriptures envision it to be: with a well-equipped team.
As you work through the Lead Volunteers material, you WILL grow. I want you to imagine a day in the not-so-distant-future. You are deeply encouraged in your progress as a leader. You are uniquely connected to others through an elite community of like-minded and motivated leaders of volunteers just like you. You no longer feel alone. You know the SKILL of how to be empathetic and a source of inspiration to your volunteers. You have experienced growth in your ministry and above all, you are finding yourself growing in your relationship with God.
As you progress through the material, you are finally feeling like you are operating your ministry in-line with how the scriptures envision it to be: with a well-equipped team. You are already on this road of leadership growth. You just need to gain access to this material. Here is how we get there: you recommit to your own growth.
Sign up and become a part of the Lead Volunteers Learning Community. Then you start to carve out time to move through more modules and keep growing. I want to invite you to join me inside the course. Let me help you shore up areas of your ministry. Make the commitment and we can start meeting together through these lessons. I can promise you, I will be there through the power of technology. The only missing ingredient is you. Let’s do this thing. Join the Lead Volunteers Learning Community today!