Summary: Just like our daily energy can ebb and flow, so too, our zeal and spiritual fervor can be found peaking or lacking. But we can come to the Lord asking for His blessing in our mission to serve Him.
In Romans 12:11 we are instructed “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”
Zeal is defined as “a great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.” We are told to never be lacking in zeal. Fervor is defined as having an “intense and passionate feeling.” Again, we are told to keep or maintain our spiritual fervor. The words “zeal” and “fervor” are less frequent in our everyday language. Though these words may be uncommon in their use, the scriptures say their essence should be evident in our lives.
Just like our daily energy can ebb and flow, so too, our zeal and spiritual fervor can be found peaking or lacking. This verse is a reminder that we have a mission. We are here to serve the Lord. Sometimes we sense the blessing of a real spiritual fire. Sometimes, however, we sense the numbness, chill and absence of real spiritual fire. We are, as C.S. Lewis states, subject to the Law of Undulation. We have troughs and valleys, mountaintops and peaks in every area of our lives. We should expect this sense of up-and-down with our faith journey.
Are you experiencing zealousness in your walk with the Lord? Do you currently have a sense of spiritual intensity or fervor? Talk to the Lord about your current state.