Summary: Regardless of how you found yourself in this role, you said “yes.” Take time to reaffirm your sacred calling.
Isaiah 6:8 says “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah’s heed to the call of ministry in chapter 6 was extreme. His commissioning was intense, as an angel touched his lips with a hot and holy ember. For many of us, however, the call to ministry was far less specular and compelling.
You may find yourself overseeing a large area of ministry simply because you didn’t quit. You outlasted everyone else and someone asked you to lead it all by default. Regardless of how you found yourself in the role, you said “yes.” Can I challenge you today? Would you be willing to re-accept the call? Would you be willing to officially tell the Lord you accept this call? Could you pause, right now and reaffirm, “Here am I, again, Lord”?
Years ago, I asked a seasoned pastor, “How will I know if I am called?” His response was sobering: “If you can keep from going into the ministry, by all means, stay out. Do not enter these waters if you are not called. If you cannot keep from it, you are called.”
Are you ready to reaffirm your sacred calling today?