Summary: The body of Christ has many different members. If you lack it, someone else has it. You are not intended to excel at all tasks. To multiply yourself in ministry, ask, “which area needs a gift set I lack.”
The body of Christ has many different members. Hands, feet, mouth, elbow and more. We are all created differently. What I am good at, someone else may feel deficient. Taken as unconnected individuals, this could be a problem. However, the body of Christ, when thought of properly, is beautiful in its multifaceted variety. When it comes to multiplying yourself in ministry, you could start by asking: “Which area needs a gift set I lack?”
Beyond giving away areas that I genuinely dislike, some areas are simply outside my sweet spot. However, with intentionality and an eye for spotting giftedness in others, you could off load this role. It is not about dumping it on someone else. It is about seeing an opportunity to give something to someone else and providing life to them. The body of Christ is very well rounded. You just gotta have an eye to discover hidden leaders.
Bottom Line: If you lack it, someone else has it. You were not intended to be a jack-of-all-trades. This is not how the body works. Thumbs are really important as long as they are not trying to smell something. That is the job on the nose. You are not intended to excel at all tasks. This is not a solo sport. This is a team sort of thing. Take a long look at yourself and ask, “Which area needs a gift set I lack?” If you lack it, someone else has it. Find that person!