Summary: According to our own math, we will never have enough workers to harvest those fields. However, “God’s math” is not our math and He is faithful.
I want to make a bold prediction about the future of ministry in America. I had someone recently ask me to make a prediction about how ministry will trend in the next 12 months. Here is my prediction: Volunteer Leadership Will Be Hard Next Year in Ministry. I predict and I believe that we will continue to experience volunteer challenges for the rest of our lives, not just the next 12 months.
Jesus boldly said, “The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few”. You can take that to the bank. Listen, if Jesus said it, you can count on it. I like to call it “God’s Math”. According to our own math, we will never have enough workers to harvest those fields. However, I work from “God’s Math”, not my own math.
News flash, there is absolutely nothing that will eliminate all of your volunteer problems, ever. Period. Amen. Nothing. But Jesus does add, “The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest that He might raise up workers”.
Stop right now, pray as He has told us to do. LEADVOLUNTEERS exists to help you, equip you, and make sense of your volunteer load. You will always have volunteer problems. But we are here to make them just a little bit easier.
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