Summary: Develop and sense of belonging - and not just doing - among your volunteers.

Relationships in ministry are critical. Volunteers with a high sense of “belonging" will always find more fulfillment than a volunteer who has a high sense of “doing".  It is critical to make volunteering a source of biblical community and not just duties as assigned. Never forget that Jesus sent out His disciples two-by-two.

Are there people serving in isolation in your ministry? Do you have people who are sitting across the room from one another as small group leaders and still do not know each other's names?  Volunteering should be about “belonging" not just “doing".

Lead Volunteers has created a series of proven pathways to build relationships among volunteers.  We have created a series of Done-For-You resources to help leaders know each other and have a sense of community. Let us help you cultivate belonging among your people as they serve.

Lead Volunteers helps make the hard work of ministry easier.

LEADVOLUNTEERS helps you get organized, stops the revolving door of volunteers and prevents burnout. Why not let me do the heavy lifting for you.

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