Summary: Every ministry leader claims they need more volunteers. But do you really know what you need? Do you know when you will have reached your goal of filling volunteer spots? Know your numbers.
I am blown away by ministry leaders who do not know the specifics of their volunteer needs. I once had a senior leader ask me how recruiting was going. I was able to answer, “We are 67% complete for Sunday morning small group leaders for 4th, 5th and 6th grades. We are 78% complete on Wednesday nights. Yet our greatest area of need is the 4 year old, 5 year old and Kindergarten classrooms on Sunday morning. We only have this area 43% covered.”
His response was encouraging, “Wow, at least you know your stuff. This allows me to pray specifically for those younger ages.” Every ministry leader I know claims they need more leaders. But do you really know what you need? Do you know when your needs will be met? Do you have a target number? If you don’t, you’ll never know when God has officially met your needs. People: Know your numbers. Lead Volunteers is a powerful system to help you know the current score of your own ministry. You need a plan. Part of your plan is knowing what you need.
LEADVOLUNTEERS helps you get organized, stops the revolving door of volunteers and prevents burnout.
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