Summary: Train people so well that they have an abundance of skills and abilities because you poured into them. They can leave and take on a different job because you have equipped them so well. But treat them so well that there's no way that they would ever want to leave your side.
Train people so well that they can leave. Treat them so well that they want to stay. This is one of my favorite quotes. Train people so well that they have an abundance of skills and abilities because you poured into them. They can leave and take on a different job because you have equipped them so well. But treat them so well that there's no way that they would ever want to leave your side.
You see, I want to train people to be better than me. I want to train people to be able to run a ministry. I want to train them to run the entire show. However, I want to treat them so well and even befriend them that they would never leave in their wildest dreams. I want people to be getting all the goods but also be treated super good.
I want people to say, “I love this guy. He has taught me so much and there is so much more he can teach me. I would love to stay right here with this guy. The way he treats me is so amazing and this is such a sweet experience to learn all these things.”
Now I have been in ministry contexts where people didn't train me that well, and they didn't treat me that well. That's a painful experience. And I want to challenge you to pour into people and prepare people for great things in the Lord. You need to be an educator of how to do the tactics and the practices of ministry. But you also need to be an educator of how to treat people. Always remember, much more is caught than taught. They will learn so much by HOW you treat them, more than any lesson on how we should treat people. Train your people so well that they literally could take a job at another church, but treat them so well that they're like, man, I don't know if I would have it so good over there like I have it here. Train them well, but treat them even better.