Summary: Are you viewing recruiting as burdensome slot-filling or are you viewing it as a means to see people grow? Recruiting volunteers can be a means of disciple making. When people serve, people grow in the Lord.
I became a children’s pastor in a not-so-normal way. Maybe you can relate. You see, I do not have any formal degrees in ministry. I have no formal training that would have predicted a career in ministry. Honestly, I just loved God a whole bunch and found joy serving and volunteering in ministry. Maybe this is your story. Maybe you find yourself in your role today through an odd set of circumstances and a non-traditional path. Well, that’s my story.
I will never forget needing to recruit a small army of volunteers. I was staring at a blank page needing qualified names. I was also staring blankly at the telephone. I looked up to heaven and said out loud to God, “I don’t think this is reasonable.” Then God asked me what volunteering had done in me. Had I grown as a Christian through serving? My eyes filled with tears as I reflected on how many relationships had gotten stronger through serving, how I trusted Him more and how I knew His word better and I knew myself better because I had volunteered.
Then God spoke deep into my heart. He asked me if I thought that He could bring about those same wonderful things in the lives of the people He would provide for my list. At that moment, I no longer viewed myself as a slot filler. Recruiting became a means of disciple making. I believed, deep down, that if people would serve, people would grow in the Lord.
How about you? Are you viewing recruiting as burdensome slot-filling or are you viewing it as a means to see people grow?